Saturday, June 30, 2012

Toothpaste to clear foggy headlamps IT WORKS!


This is what started me blogging in the first place. Our nephew in law came down from the big city of Louisville, Kentucky for my husband to work on his car and teach him a few things on how to fix it himself. If you have ever had to pay a mechanic at a shop or dealership to fix something ~ you understand why. I am VERY fortunate to be married to an extremely generous man who in his Christian heart HELPS just about anyone who needs it ~ the way we all should be!
Anyways ~ Gerald who inspired me to write these posts commented about his foggy headlights. I sitting nearby watching them both with fascination ~ love to watch my hubby work ~ said I can fix that for you in 10 minutes. Gerald just grinned at me, never really knowing if I'm pulling his leg or not. I went into the house got the toothpaste I had on hand, and viola~ clear headlamps. So here ya go folks pictures and all~
As you can see my Toyota headlamps aren't that bad (did this about 2 years ago and hadn't redone them since) but still needed to be done. Get whatever toothpaste you have on hand, or if you need to get some anyway, or have some just for this the plain ole white paste any brand will do. Cheaper ones tend to work better don't know why maybe the amount of abrasives is higher in them. Baking soda paste works too, but tends to be higher and I am cheap anyways. I had gel paste because I like the texture better in my mouth, just sayin' not going to run to Kroger for special cheap paste for this, gas is way too high.
Get a rag, and soak it real good, dripping is best to activate, put a dab of toothpaste about the size of a dime on the rag and scrub in circular motions til it feels like your arm will fall off, (joking won't take that long), then rinse really well. I take a bowl and pour some water over the headlamp to rinse well. Then dry it off. Looky at the difference;

Scroll up then back down. Cool huh? And it's dirt cheap and unless you have dentures you will use up the toothpaste anyways...
Go over it with a car polish to help reduce the oxidation and can be repeated as needed. Like I said before it had been a couple of years since I did this the last it will last a while, depending on where you live and weather conditions of course. A plus, the smell won't over power you like those expensive kits to do the same thing, and again IT'S CHEAP AND EASY!
God Bless your day! Thanks for reading and I read all replies... :D

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