Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Well, here it is the end of summer, and it has been a very hard last 7 weeks for me. I have had several health issues within the last month and 3/4. Even had a "BIG C" scare thrown in there just for good measure.
No one wants a doctor to say cancer to them. I have had my share in my family. My Mother, her sister, my Grandmother, a great great aunt, 2 aunts and 2 very special Uncles all died due to cancer. So especially for me the "C" word is especially dreaded. So after waiting on tests the Doctor was proven wrong ~ THANKS BE TO MY GOD!!!! But still there was the issue of the "odd" tumors in the womb, and cysts in the ovaries. Total hysterectomy was my only option offered. Ok, well, I'm not planning on having any more children, the pain had made everyday life totally unbearable...so after taking antibiotics for 6 more weeks, into surgery I went July 17th. The surgery went smoothly, and my dear sweet husband and 9 year old son have waited on me hand and foot for the past 5 weeks. So today back to the doctor for the OK to go on with my life....until the next surgery. While worrying about my reproductive issues, a breast exam was also done, and a relook at my Mammogram from earlier this year...the doctor was very straight forward with me...double mastectomy as a preventive measure against breast cancer. With my family history, and the mess he just cleaned out of me, he advised I was sitting on a time bomb, and I was running out of time...scary thought...but it has always been in the back of my mind. I had already come to the conclusion breast cancer was the way and the how I would leave this world. With My Mother, her sister and my Grandmother all dying with breast cancer, well, you know where I have been the past 20 years.
So I know I am not finished yet with surgeries. But I'm ok with it...I will heal up real good from this situation, wait a year or two, and get free boob jobs...yes, the ultimate optimist!
I didn't know how bad I felt til I felt better. I must have been in a hormonal, premenopausal,
tumor, cycst, endometriosisal half crazed mess....
I feel 15 years younger, even with the hot flashes, alligator skin, and no appetite, I feel WONDERFUL!!! Still not 100% physical, have to wait for the insides to completely heal, but already feel so so much better! And I am glad he took everything except the cervix. No worries down there later...
So glad to be back bloggin', but may kick back a little because I plan to be busy, too busy to blog, as least until it gets cold outside. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
By the way, any sweet lady out there having to have a hysterectomy in their near future I have the most wonderful website for all their questions both pre and post surgery, it's called hystasisters.com. It covers EVERYTHING and just about every question you may have, and many you haven't even though of. It is set up forum style. And members have went through or going through hysterectomy issues...it was a life saver for me...and IT'S FREE!!!!
Well, gotta go, beans to pick, supper to get on, and a boy to love...